Argentine Beef

Our Country

Argentina is the most southerly country in South America. Its territory extends over an area of more than 3,300kms North to South, giving it a highly varied climate. The Argentine Pampa is located in the centre-East part of the territory, home to the famed cattle breeding business, a legend the world over. It is here in this fertile, prosperous region which enjoys an ideal climate that our quality cattle are bred to produce first rate beef of excellent protein value and low cholesterol levels, a guaranteed healthy and natural foodstuff.

Breeds of livestock

European breeds of cattle and their resulting crosses are indisputably acclaimed to be the best breeds for the production of beef. Fortunately, following the introduction of beef cattle into South America, these breeds adapted admirably to the Pampas, reaching their full potential and displacing the Indian breeds which subsequently remained relegated to countries with more adverse climates.

Well-being of our cattle

The Argentine Pampa make up a vast stretch of rich, natural farmland, home to the premium cattle-breeding and fattening business, producing the superb beef for which Argentina is famed the world over. The unbeatable climate of the region (*), added to its rich, fertile soil, provide the optimal conditions for the breeding and fattening of free range cattle the whole year round, animals which are free from the constraints and stress produced by confinement.

(*) The average temperature oscillates between 8º - 15ºC in winter, and between 20º - 30ºC in summer. Average annual rainfall is 950mm.

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